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Sydney is a New York City-based Graphic Designer
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Sydney is a New York City-based Graphic Designer
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Sydney is a New York City-based Graphic Designer
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Sydney is a New York City-based Graphic Designer
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Sydney is a certified Mindfulness Meditations teacher as well as an RYT certified Yoga Teacher through The Yoga Alliance with over 500 hours of training.
Specializing in loving-kindness and compassion meditation, Sydney brings the learnings of her teachers, Adi Bemak, Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach, to children, creatives, and anyone seeking fulfillment and joy.
Sydney's Yoga classes will find you swimming through eclectic vibrant music to inspire a deep flow that detoxes your spirit from the inside out to reconnect you with nature and your unique effervescent glow.
You can find Sydney teaching virtually, around Brooklyn, Manhattan or Aspen, Colorado.
Sydney trained at world-renowned studio, Laughing Lotus under famous teachers such as Ali Cramer, Sheri Celentano, Stefani Rose, etc...
She has also trained with international sensation, Katonah Yoga, created under Nevine Michaan.
She's studied Ayurveda through the leading Ayurvedic school, the Ayurvedic Institute, under the prestigious Dr. Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASC.
Sydney is a graduate of the selective two year- mindfulness meditation teacher certification program led by mindfulness pioneers, Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach.
She has the honor of studdying under guest teachers like Eckhart Tolle, Dan Siegel, Kristin Neff, etc...
*certification through the Awareness Training Institute and the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California at Berkeley.
She is a founding teacher of The Body Practice™ method in Aspen, Colorado.
[The Body Practice™ is a 360 degree approach to mindfulness and fitness. Designed to be circular with no finish line, The Body Practice™ is a cathartic, transformative, and energizing, whole-body workout that moves and reshapes the body while increasing internal energy and overall sense of wellbeing.]
You can find her teaching in the studio and virtually.
Yoga & Meditation led by
Sydney Patrick

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